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Publication on "Forced Migration and Conflict-Induced Displacement: Impacts and Prospective Responses"


Conflict-induced displacement is emerging as a recent trend of internal migration owing to its unique features, such as politicization, intimidation, and especially the movement of people mostly experienced within the borders of the home state. Owing to the needs of an increase in the aforesaid movements, scholars, policy-makers and international organizations, in particular, have a critical role to play in these extraordinary times, whilst directing all their energies in systematically defining the various kinds of displacements taking place on the international scene, each with its distinct set of underlying drivers and equally distinct consequences.

In this regard, the HSF Pakistan and the Center for International Peace and Stability (CIPS) at the University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) organized an academic conference in December 2019 on the topic of 'Forced Migration and Conflict-Induced Displacement'. This publication includes the detailed papers presented in the conference from national and international scholars.

Publication Information

Publication Title: Forced Migration and Conflict-Induced Displacement: Impacts and Prospective Responses

Publication Year: 2020

Language: English

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